Grants & Loans
The City of Tallahassee offers several grant programs designed to enhance neighborhood pride, quality of life and resident engagement. Whether your neighborhood would like to install a new entryway sign, implement a youth program, or host a block party, the City of Tallahassee would like to help make it happen.
Vibrant Neighborhoods Grant Program
City of Tallahassee Neighborhood and Homeowner Associations: Are you interested in sponsoring a special event in your neighborhood to bring neighbors together? Do you know of a great place to have a welcome sign in your neighborhood? Or maybe you would like to add trees, benches or artwork to a public space. Perhaps your neighborhood would benefit from landscaping improvements in common areas or a community garden. If you and your neighbors are willing to work hard to see your ideas come to fruition, the City of Tallahassee would like to partner with you through the Vibrant Neighborhoods Grant Program to foster livable and vibrant neighborhoods.
The City of Tallahassee has established the Vibrant Neighborhoods Grant Program (VNG) to invest in resident-initiated projects designed to enhance the quality of life in City of Tallahassee neighborhoods. Find out more about the program and how to apply.
Neighborhood Partnership Grant Program for Greater Frenchtown/Southside CRA
The City’s Neighborhood Affairs Division is pleased to announce the availability of funding for the Neighborhood Partnership Grant Program. Funded by the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and administered by Neighborhood Affairs, the Neighborhood Partnership Grant provides grants to emerging and established neighborhood and homeowners associations (HOAs) in the Greater Frenchtown/Southside CRA District. Neighborhoods within the geographic boundaries of the district are encouraged to apply for up to $7,500 in funding to help improve their neighborhood’s physical and/or public safety conditions, or Neighborhood engagement and enrichment programing. The grant funds and accompanying technical assistance provided by Neighborhood Affairs are designed to empower neighborhood groups to effectively plan and implement solutions to neighborhood concerns.
Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to qualified applicants who have provided a completed grant application and whose proposed project meets the eligibility criteria. Approximately, $30,000 is available to funds grants under this program.
Applications may be submitted via email to, hand delivered by appointment to the Neighborhood Affairs office at Smith-Williams Service Center, 2295 Pasco Street, Tallahassee, or mailed to Smith-Williams Service Center at 2295 Pasco Street Tallahassee, FL 32310. No faxed applications will be accepted. Please call (850) 891-8795 or (850) 354-1926 to make an appointment to drop off your application.
Additional information about the program can be obtained by contacting Neighborhood Services Coordinator, Jillian Driscoll at or 850-354-1926.
Greater Bond Rental Housing Rehabilitation Façade Improvement Grant Program
The Greater Bond Rental Housing Rehabilitation Façade Improvement Grant Program offers financial incentives to landlords in the Greater Bond neighborhood to repair and enhance the exteriors of their rental properties, aiming to preserve and improve the local housing stock. Funded by a $167,020 allocation by the Greater Bond Community Action team, the program provides grants of up to $10,000 without requiring matching funds, with additional funding available up to $17,000 with matching contributions. The initiative prioritizes safety and energy efficiency, while supporting the community's goal of revitalizing the neighborhood and ensuring decent, safe housing for its residents.
Greater Bond Residential Rehabilitation Grant Program
The Greater Bond Residential Rehabilitation Grant Program seeks to preserve and improve the quality of the housing stock in the section of the Greater Bond neighborhood that is within the boundaries of the Greater Frenchtown/ Southside Community Redevelopment Area (GFS District). The grant funds eligible repairs to the exterior and interior of certain residential structures with the intent of making the housing unit safe and secured while improving the aesthetics of the neighborhood. Funding for the Greater Bond Residential Rehabilitation Grant Program comes from the City of Tallahassee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). Approximately, $425,000 has been allocated to fund the program. The maximum funding available per grant recipient for eligible repairs/improvements is $25,000.00. Previous recipients of the Greater Bond Residential Façade Improvement Grant Program are eligible for a maximum of $10,000.00 for eligible interior only repairs/improvements under this program.
Griffin Heights Community Engagement Fund
The Griffin Heights Community Engagement Fund (CEF) is established to fund the implementation of the Griffin Heights Neighborhood First Plan by providing grants to organizations, businesses, and individuals to implement action items from the plan and/or proposals that will achieve the outcomes cited in the plan. The Fund is capitalized by $400,000 provided by the City of Tallahassee during the Fiscal Year 2023 funding allocation. This program will provide mini grants ($500-$25,000) to implement action items, initiatives, and projects not otherwise funded by a specific budgetary allocated from the Neighborhood First Plan approval process.
To see a full overview of the program, click here.
To apply to the program (starting April 1, 2024), click here. Only complete applications will be considered, and are due by 5:00pm on May 15, 2024.
Griffin Heights Housing Improvement Program
Round I and Round II of this program are now closed. This program is no longer accepting new applications. Please check back for future opportunities to apply.
Frenchtown Housing Rehab Program
This program is no longer accepting applications at this time.”
The Frenchtown Housing Rehab Program is a five-year forgivable loan program funded by the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), that seeks to repair homes located in the Frenchtown neighborhood. Revitalizing the Frenchtown neighborhood through the preservation of its existing housing stock is essential to the livelihood and continued vibrancy of the community. By funding needed housing repairs, the Frenchtown Housing Rehab Program will aid in keeping residents in their homes, ensure that neighborhood homes are free from health and safety hazards, and preserve the housing unit to allow current residents to age in place and/or provide future residents with decent and safe housing. The maximum funding provided by the program is up to $25,000 for owner-occupied units and up to $17,500 for renter-occupied units.
See the full Overview document/FAQs of the program
Click here to go directly to the application
Affordable Home Construction Loan Program
The City's Affordable Home Construction Loan Program (AHCLP) aims to offer private developers and contractors with low-cost working capital to increase the stock of affordable homes through in-fill development. New funding for projects in Griffin Heights and Frenchtown has been designated through their respective Neighborhood First Plan initiative.
Contractors/Developers get: