Southside Transit Center
To help StarMetro ensure public transportation is accessible, efficient and equitable, The City of Tallahassee has identified construction of a Southside Transit Center (SSTC) on the northwest corner of Orange Avenue and South Meridian Street as a strategic initiative. The SSTC will be a major step in assuring Tallahassee has an efficient transit network supported by leading public transit services. This parcel of land is located within the larger Orange/Meridian Placemaking Project, including stormwater improvements and other related infrastructure needs. These combined efforts in combination with increased service and transit amenities provided by the SSTC will improve economic, education, residential and business opportunities for the Southside and Tallahassee at large.
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Waverly Road Sidewalk Project
Sidewalk improvements along Waverly Road that will enhance safety and mobility in the area. This project will incorporate a sidewalk along the full length of Waverly Road on the north side of the road, from Meridian Road on the west to Thomasville Road on the east.
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Sabal Palm Safe Route to School (SRTS)
To enhance safety and pedestrian mobility, the City of Tallahassee is planning a sidewalk improvement project for streets surrounding Sabal Palm Elementary School.
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Hillcrest & Lucy Streets Stormwater Improvements Project - Updated 3/12/2025
The City of Tallahassee is actively working to address stormwater issues in the Brockswood Park, Old Town, Brookwood Drive, and Inglewood neighborhoods. To help alleviate flooding, reduce erosion, and alleviate property damage, the City is proposing improvements in the Devil’s Dip Ravine near Cobb Middle School.
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Virginia Street Water and Sewer Improvements
The City is currently designing an underground utility project along a portion of Virginia Street to modernize and enhance aging infrastructure, which will add capacity within the water and sewer systems while reducing service interruptions.
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Paul Russell Road Sidewalk Improvements Project
To enhance safety and mobility options in the area, the City of Tallahassee is planning to construct a new sidewalk along Paul Russell Road from Monday Road to Apalachee Parkway.
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Clarecastle Way Sidewalk Project
To enhance safety and mobility options in the area, the City of Tallahassee is in the design stage for sidewalk improvements along Clarecastle Way from Shannon Lakes Drive North to Pimlico Drive.
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Rollins Street – Bennett Street – W. 6th Avenue Sidewalk Project
To enhance safety and mobility options in the area, the City of Tallahassee is in the planning stage for sidewalk improvements along Rollins Street from Old Bainbridge Road to Bennett Street, Bennett Street from Rollins Street to W. Sixth Avenue, and W. Sixth Avenue from Bennett Street to Old Bainbridge Road.
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Monroe Street Downtown Sidewalk Enhancements
The City of Tallahassee is preparing sidewalk plans for Monroe Street from Jefferson Street to Call Street. The project will widen the existing sidewalk, reconstruct on-street parking, add handicap parking, remove and replace all street trees, improve ADA access, and replace existing streetlights.
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Wednesday Street Water Main Improvements
The City is gathering information related to the replacement of potable water infrastructure within portions of the Wednesday Street corridor between Potts Road and Capital Circle NE.
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Pump Station #12 & Pump Station #22 Enhancements
The proposed project will provide enhanced protection against power outages by installing redundant underground electrical feeds from existing City electrical substations to existing City sanitary sewer pump stations.
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Seventh Avenue Water Main Replacement
The City of Tallahassee Underground Utilities and Public Infrastructure department is planning utility and infrastructure improvements along Seventh Avenue between Centerville Road and N. Gadsden Street.
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Pasco, Poppy, Palm Beach and Main Streets Utility Improvement Project
As part of the City of Tallahassee’s commitment to providing reliable utility services, plans are being developed for a water and sanitary sewer improvement project along Pasco, Poppy, Palm Beach and Main streets.
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FAMU Way Phase IV
The City of Tallahassee is preparing plans for FAMU Way Phase IV, which begins just west of S. Bronough Street and ends at S. Monroe Street. The project shall provide a safe gateway for motorists, pedestrians and other corridor users, while upgrading underground utilities to address aging infrastructure.
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Old Bainbridge Water Main Replacement
TThe City of Tallahassee is gathering information related to the replacement of potable water infrastructure within portions of the Old Bainbridge Road corridor between Tharpe Road and Fred George Road.
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Pullen Road Sidewalk Project
To enhance safety and mobility options in the area, the City of Tallahassee is in the planning stage for sidewalk improvements along Pullen Road from Old Bainbridge Road to Fred Smith Road.
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Belle Vue Way Water and Sewer Improvement Project
As part of its commitment to ensuring reliable utility service, the City of Tallahassee Underground Utilities and Public Infrastructure department is planning a water and sewer utility improvement project along Belle Vue Way to replace aging infrastructure.
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International Passenger Processing Facility
The City continues to set a strategic focus on completing the International Processing Facility at the Tallahassee International Airport by 2024, as outlined in the City's Five-Year Strategic Plan (Priority Area: Economic Development, Objective 1-A-5). Once established, the International Processing Facility will be a major driver of economic growth for the Big Bend region.
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Southside Triangle Water and Sewer Infrastructure
At its Oct. 26, 2022, meeting, the City Commission authorized the City of Tallahassee’s Underground Utility and Public Infrastructure department to proceed with the extension of water and sewer utility infrastructure into the unserved areas of the Southside Triangle.
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Lake Ella and DeSoto Utility Upgrades
As part of its continued dedication to investing in its infrastructure, the City of Tallahassee is working to implement the Lake Ella and DeSoto Utility Upgrades Project. This project is part of the City's proactive efforts to replace aging utility infrastructure and provide safe, reliable utility service to the customers for many years.
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West Sixth Avenue Sidewalk Project
To enhance safety and mobility options in the area, the City of Tallahassee is developing plans for sidewalk improvements along West Sixth Avenue from Old Bainbridge Road to North Monroe Street.
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Orange Avenue Water Main Replacement
As part of its commitment to ensuring reliable service, the City of Tallahassee is planning a water utility improvement project along Orange Avenue between South Adams Street and Wahnish Way.
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Railroad Avenue Improvements Project
The City of Tallahassee began the Railroad Avenue Improvements Project on Nov. 27, 2023. To enhance safety and mobility options in your area, the City is developing plans for utility, roadway and sidewalk improvements along Railroad Avenue from Railroad Square to Gaines Street.
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Redevelopment of Northwood Centre Parcel
The Northwood Centre site is undergoing redevelopment by the City of Tallahassee. Sitting on approximately 29.5 acres, the site is bordered by North Monroe Street, North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Tharpe Street. A key component within this redevelopment is construction of the new headquarters facility for the Tallahassee Police Department. Additionally, the site presents opportunities for new green space, community amenities and other economic development projects.
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